Beatrice ordered Roy to get on the handlebars of his bike and hold on. She peddled all the way to some junkyard and stopped. Lightening was flashing everywhere and the thunder ground-shaking. Rain was coming down in sheets and the wind didn't help. Beatrice quickly brought Roy to a car in the junkyard with "Jo-Jo's Ice Cream" printed on it. When they both were in there, she started to interrogate Roy. She asked Roy what the shoes were for. He responded saying that they were for the boy, and Beatrice said that she would make sure that he got them, only as long as Roy minded his own business. She than told him that the boy was her stepbrother and sent Roy off.
Officer Delinko's shift was over but the paperwork was still piled on his desk. Normally his shift ends at 4:30, but he had to stay an extra hour and a half to finish the work. There was a storm outside so he just stood under the "P" in Coconut Cove Public Safety Department. It was a change from Coconut Cove Police Dept. to supposedly give the department a friendlier face. Just then there was a strike of lightening on a utility pole adjacent to the department. He walked in, deciding it was not safe outside. The lights inside flickered twice, then went out.
Roy had no idea what excuse he was going to use for being so late home. Just then, Beatrice picked up his bike, and to his amazement, bit a hole in his tire. She said it was to be used as an excuse for being late. Roy said "Thank you, I guess..." and walked off. On the way home, a police car came up behind him and the officer asked if the was Roy. Then offered him a ride home.
When the storm finally passed, Officer Delinko got in his car and drove back home. On the way, he made a habit of stopping by the Mother Paula site, hoping to catch the vandals. On the radio, the dispatcher called out a missing person, Roy something. He didn't think much of it, until he saw a boy, fitting the description, walking with his bike. He asked if his name was Roy, and gave him a ride home. He asked Roy if he has heard anything about the vandalism. Once they got to his house, he talked with Roy's father and headed out.