Friday, August 6, 2010

Chapter 2

After he saw the boy, he looked out the window every day to see if he could spot him again. Time and again, he didn't show; Until Friday. As Roy was reading his comic, he saw the boy from the corner of his eye. When the bus came to a stop, he got up and was about to run after him when Dana grabbed him by the neck. he wouldn't let Roy go, so Roy threw a punch over his shoulder, and hit Dana square in the nose. The he just ran out the bus and after the boy. During the chase, they went through back yards, and eventually on to a golf course. Roy watched the boy run right across it into the trees on the other side. When Roy tried to, though, he was hit right in the temple by a golf ball.

He was checked out OK by his parents and sent off to school the next day. He was then immediately summoned to the Vice-Principal's office for a talk. During the meeting, he found out that the punch he threw broke Matherson's nose. In the end, he was given a 2 week suspension from the bus and had to write Dana a letter.

At lunch he was confronted by a girl with red framed glasses and blond hair. He saw her before on the bus, or, when she was getting on the bus and he was running after the boy. She was the star soccer player for the girls' soccer team. She started to yell at him and chew him out for almost nocking her off the bus. 


  1. Thanks I needed this for school

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